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Foundation/Booster Memberships & Banners off to a great start!

2 weeks into the 2023-24 school year we are off to a great start with our Foundation/Booster membership sign-ups and banner sponsors! It truly takes a village and a village we have! Remember that you can select one or more OHS sports teams you would like the money to go to. We then transfer the funds directly to that team's Foundation sub account which can be utilized throughout the year to purchase whatever the team needs. Any funds which do not list a specific team or teams will go into Foundation/Booster General Athletic Fund sub-account. Every day we have more membership and banner orders.......The OHS athletics hype is truly palatable inside and outside the school! Thank you all for your support and please know it makes a HUGE difference!!

If you haven't signed up for a Foundation/Booster membership or purchased a banner sponsorship yet, here's the info:

(scroll down on page and you'll see Membership & Banner options)

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